Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Meu Deus!

Hey everybody. This is gonna be a short one today. Not a ton of stuff going on becuase this is my first real week of school. And let me just say that I liked it better when the professors didn't show up! My portuguese has definitely improved since our arrival, but I might as well have just learned German for all the good the portuguese is doing me in class. My poor brain just can not keep up with a professor speaking 97 miles an hour! Wow. After my first class I just sat there in a shocked silence, my mind struggling to explain any of the previous hour. So such is class. All of them. Each class, I stare down the professor, concentrating so hard I could probably shoot lazers out of my eyes. Sometimes I can at least discern the gist of the lecture. Sometimes I'm lucky if I get three disjointed sentences. My anthro 1 professor is a little easier to understand. She's very nice and funny (or so I gather from the laughter). I still don't get all that much, but I understand a little more than I do with the others. By the way the professor is Tania Neiva [thanks Jacob =)] Anyway, I'm doing my best, reading every word of the assignments, looking up and studying words I don't know etc. It can only get better, or so they tell me!

On a lighter note, we went to the beach the other day (Pria de Camboinhas) and it was super fun. Beach raquetball + sun + muitos cervejas = always a good time. Thought these guys in the pics were cool too. I have a four day weekend (again!) this weekend, so we're hoping to do something interesting. Until then,

Tchau tchau!

P.S. To the six or seven of you reading this blog that speak portguese: sincerest apologies for all the horrible mistakes I've made. I am learning, and be assured that I think I have caught them all so far. Not that there aren't many more to be made...


At 4/27/2006 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having the time of your life....I enjoy coming in and reading just to see the latest awesome's like Days of Our Lives goes to RIO! I was just wondering what STEPHAN was doing....I thought HE should be writing the blog.....or is he just loafing again!!!! Tell him it isn't TRC and he should actually do something :-)

Be SAFE!!!

At 4/27/2006 12:18 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Ha ha! Glad I'm not the only one that's noticed Stefan hasn't written in a while! I'm trying...I think that whole "vacaction" thing has gone to his head!


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