Friday, April 28, 2006

Two Thumbs Down for Brasilian Insomnia

Ok, so apprently I have developed some sort of insomnia lately. This is the third time in a week and a half that I have just sat awake for damn hours. The first two times I woke up at almost exactly 3:30 after being asleep for a few hours, then was awake unitl about 7 in the morning. The only difference this time is that I haven't even been to sleep yet :( Not exactly sure what the reason for the refusal to sleep is...cause I sure am damn tired. Damn tired but wide awake. I think that one possiblility could be that now that I have class every day and things to do for it every night I spend all of my waking hours in this state of utter confusion. Once I try to wind down and go to sleep, my brain tries to use the down time to make sense of it all..therefore it is definitely working well into overtime. I have these crazy dreams in portuguese, but in the dreams I think I know less than I really do, and I'm trying to talk, but I've forgotten everything.

When Stefan had his cold here, our friend Silvino promptly told him to go down to the Hortti Frutti (local produce supermarket), buy exactly four acerola berries, mash them up, mix them with honey and enjoy...and this should make him better. However, the next day when the market was open, Stefan was already feeling much better and didn't get a chance to try this little home remedy. Being a bit skeptical as well, we searched acerola on the internet and found that not only is it my favorite juice (and has been since my visit last summer) but is also well known worldwide by health food companies as a great source of tons of vitamins and natural healing!

So I will definitely be putting the word out here for any kind of neato Brasilian remedy for insomnia, but any suggestions on the US end would be appreciated as well. D. Cleyde has suggested when I have trouble sleeping to make myself some nice hot tea that she has in the kitchen. But any of you that have seen my clumsy butt around a stove know that tired Jess plus ancient gas stove in middle of the night equals way bigger problems than insomnia. So please keep any suggestions on the safe side :)


At 4/30/2006 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel your pain.. i wake up at almost three oclock on the dot every night, only to lay awake at least till 500, but im perimenopausal and we know that is not your problem. warm bath if possible ,, and no homework or tv at least two hours before bed, warm milk helps to if you can have that, melatonin in a herb i believe that induces sleep, maybe you can check it out the health food store.. until than , i will be thinking of you in the wee hours of the night. mom

At 5/03/2006 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warm milk? Health food store? Melatonin? Geez, how about just throwing back a couple of shots of cachaca, or better yet, some Irish whiskey.
Have fun.

At 5/04/2006 8:48 AM, Blogger Jess said... entire bottle of wine last night worked nicely :)


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