Thursday, May 04, 2006

And Now For Something Completely Different

A Big Change of Plans...

As most of you that read our blog know, after our little adventure in Brazil, Stefan and I had planned on moving to Wichita, Kansas in January. I was accepted to Wichita State Univerity a few months ago, and although it wasn't my first choice, my GRE scores weren't fabulous, and I decided to take what I could get. However, last week I recieved word from the University of New Mexico (one of my top two!!) that I was accepted by their anthropology department. This is muito exciting news for me, as UNM is a MUCH better school than Wichita, with a better program and more resources. So instead of Wichita, our new home will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

This wonderful opportunity, however, does come with a price. Being a bigger school, UNM does not allow students to begin in the spring. So instead of January, my classes will begin in August. In fact, they will begin only a week after my classes in Brazil end. My last day at UFF (here in Brazil) is August 14, and my first day of school at UNM is on August 21st. I'm also expected to be there the preceding friday for graduate orientation. Yikes.

I am going to talk to my professors here, and try to finish a week early. But, we will still be cutting things very close, having to pack up and move as soon as we get back to the states. Unfortuntatley, this will not leave much time to spend with family and friends. It also cuts a good sized chunk of time out of our stay here, and we will not be able to visit my friends in the Amazon. The trip to Gurupa can not be done in any less than 13 days, so going while I am in school is not an option. I do know that all of the teachers at UFF were on strike right before I came, and that strikes are very common here. So I've got my fingers crossed for a little strike...two weeks would do nicely. Just so I would have enough time to visit, but still be able to gain some knowledge from my classes as well.

Albuquerque sounds like a nice city and the mountains are beautiful. Although my return to the US has to be rushed in order to get there, but this is a wonderful opportunity for me, and I think it'll be another great adventure!

I'm a Lobo now!


At 5/06/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Congrats, Jess! That's awesome. Bring sunscreen and expect visitors :p

At 5/07/2006 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Isotopes!


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