Friday, May 05, 2006

Cinco de Mayo!

In case anyone was wondering, yes, I am still alive. I haven't made a post here in a month or so out of shear laziness. Jess has been posting quite frequently and I think has done a great job keeping everyone updated on the daily happenings here in Niteroi.

I wanted to make a post today to tell the other side of the story and answer the question, "What is it like to live in Niteroi, Brazil and not be able to communicate with anyone?!"

The language barrier is definitely a problem. To put things in perspective, I was actually laughed at by McDonald's employees the last time I tried to order food! The process usually goes something like this:

1) I plan out what I want and exactly what I need to say to order it.

2) I hesitantly walk up to the counter and proceed to forget what I was supposed to say.

3) I group together what few words I can remember and then point at what I want. far this isn't too bad...

4) The person behind the counter wants to interview me about my purchase apparently. "Do you want salad (in english...dressed...lettuce, tomato, etc.)?" "Do you want this?" "Do you want that?"

5) Being completely unable to decipher what is being said, I smile and nod...often.

6) I pay with a large bill that guarantees I will get back change so I don't have to listen for the total.

7) I enjoy my food with all the options I unknowingly asked for with the previous nods.

Fun stuff no? Usually if I am with Jess I will just have her order the meals. She is so much better at it than I am. The only problem with this is, I think all the employees at the restaurants we frequent think I am a mute.

On the plus side. I found a great way to make people stop asking me for money on the street. I just look confused and blurt out a bunch of English. They quickly get the point and move on.

The language mess aside, it is really neat down here. The weather is just amazing and the people are extremely friendly (I think. They could be calling me names and I wouldn't even notice.)

The other day, Jess and I walked to Parque de Cidade (sp?) . It was a brutal walk, let me rephrase, climb. The park is on top of a mountain here in the city and offers spectacular views of the neighborhoods and beaches below. Just so you get an idea of the climb...

This is a true, first person view from my eyes, as we climbed "Mount Should Have Taken A Taxi." After the first half mile or so, Jess really started to leave me in the dust.

Once we made it to the top, I realized the climb was worth it. It was amazing! You could see everything from there.

At the top of the mountain are two platforms used for hanggliders and parachuters. Luckily for us, there was a guy about to make the leap just as we arrived. At first I was expecting something along the line of base jumping (skydiving sans plane). But it was totally different. He let the wind open up his chute while he was still on the ground and the just hopped off the platform and flew away. When I say "flew" I mean it. He wasn't descending. Just flying around as he pleased. We were so jealous!

It was a neat place to visit. They have hiking trails, too, but it was getting late and we didn't feel that we had the time or energy to take any. We plan on going back, but next time we take a cab!

Well, I think I may have bored you guys enough. If you want to see more pictures, you can do so by clicking the link in the box on the right side of the page.

Until next month...okay, okay, I may try to be a little more frequent.

PS: Does anyone know a place that delivers chinese food to Brazil. I have been craving it like mad!!!

PSS: Thought you guys might get a kick out of this. I bought some cheapo (and when I say cheap, I mean CHEAP) computer speakers for my iPod. Here is a shot of the box. Apparently, they are 800 watts (lol yeah right) and they even work with CD Pleyers LOL.

PSSS: As you noticed from the title, today is Cinco de Mayo and you guys going to La Siesta tonight for beer and margaritas have no idea how jealous Jess and I are!!! Errr... It's the little stuff that we miss the most.

Later guys.


At 5/06/2006 1:39 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Very funny stuff. Do they have sweet tea there? If not, I imagine you're craving it as well. Cinco de Mayo here was pretty fun, no La Siesta though, just margarita jello shots @ a friend's house. Talk to you guys later.

At 5/06/2006 2:49 PM, Blogger Stefan said...

Actually they do! But it's like super mega strong and really bitter. The most popular brand is Matte Leoa. It means "Lion Tea" LOL!

At 5/07/2006 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, I didn't go to La Siesta, either.
I went to They Might Be Giants, instead (ducks and covers face).

At 5/07/2006 9:00 PM, Blogger Stefan said...

I will punch you in the face!


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