Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Sad Day for Brazil

Just a little update:

Brazil lost to France yesterday 1-0 in the World Cup. So, we're out of the competition much earlier than we were hoping for. Unfortunately, I think this means that Cup Fever here may be coming to an end. It was definitely fun while it lasted...the entire city has been green and yellow for weeks (Brazil's colors) and everything stopped for their games. It was like having the superbowl every couple of days. No school, no work, stores would close. (Yeah, I know, the fact that I got to miss a bunch of class did play a little into my own personal cup fever, but I really wanted Brazil to win too!) When Brazil scored a goal you could here the entire city screaming and shaking, horns blaring, and LOTS of fireworks. One friend described it as sounding like an air raid going off over the city. Anyway, France just had an incredible game yesterday and we could harldly get within 10 feet of their goal. Sadness.

So, I believe it's time to hang up our Ronaldinho jerseys and wait till next time. We've already been informed that now we have to cheer for Portugal to win...guess that Portuguese heritage still shines through in a pinch. =)


At 7/02/2006 10:42 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I've been wondering how exciting it's been thus far. Alas, I should admit that I was pulling for France; it's Louisiana's heritage after all. I was also wondering if Brazilians were pulling for Portugal against England as I'm not sure what sentiment they have about their former motherland.

At 7/03/2006 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

larry and i watched part of that to jess... mom

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